Everyone is talking about how to regain collagen in the skin, hair and nails.

Most people take supplements for hair and nails or serums that seem to work well but when it comes to the skin it's a whole different ball game.
Collagen forms the connective tissue that is vital for skin, bones, tendons and muscle. It makes up over 80% of our skin helping us to keep elasticity of the skin and to keep skin hydrated to help prevent ageing.
As we get into our 20's we lost 1% of our collagen each year and as we reach the fifties we will have lost around a third of it! This means drier skin and more wrinkles. It also affects our heart, bones, joints and tendons.

Marine collagen supplements do help to improve elasticity and texture of skin over time but it should be hydrolysed marine collagen as it promotes better absorption. It's also good for your metabolism and hair and nails! But is it enough?
Unfortunately there’s no evidence-based science to prove that marine collagen supplements actually work ― or that they’re safe.
A few studies show that the skin texture after the use of such supplements show marginal improvement. These studies are all manufacturer-sponsored studies too. And it's widely known that the supplement industry isn’t well regulated and has a history of inaccurate labelling and contamination.
There are ways to encourage the renewal of collagen in the skin and they include:
Firming creams - A firming cream that claims to tighten sagging or ageing skin can make the skin 'feel' tighter but they it is temporary as they just form a film on the skin. You won't see tightening of the skin over time but sadly the sensation is often enough to convince women to keep buying it. Skin "feeling" tighter is not the same as making a real change for the better in the tone or laxity of your skin.
Micro Needling - It does encourage collagen development. Micro needling has been practiced for more than 20 years now and now it is highly sophisticated and painless if done by a certified therapist or doctor. It is used to treat scars, wrinkles, pigmentation, stretch marks, pore size, age spots, saggy skin and ageing. It’s also called skin needling, collagen induction therapy (CIT), and percutaneous collagen induction (PCI).
Exercise - Building muscle mass can help decrease the appearance of loose skin, especially if the loose skin is from weight loss. It cannot always tighten aged skin.
Massage - Great but needs to be regular. Massage might help the flow of blood to stimulate fibroblasts. Fibroblasts help produce collagen and elastin to keep skin firm.
Chemical Peels - Fine for topical ablation to erase age spots and pigmentation and it will offer some collagen reforming in the more topical layers of the skin. Will require downtime and a local anaesthetic to numb the area and a sedative to help with any discomfort.
Laser Rejuvenation - We use non ablative laser so it doesn't strip away skin. Several sessions are needed on any laser treatment. There can be down time.
The only treatment to really renew collagen in the skin is HIFU (high intensity focused ultrasound).

HIFU is a safe, effective and non-invasive procedure for renewal of collagen in the deepest layers of the skin called the SMAS. (Superficial musculoaponeurotic system) that is between your muscle and your fatty layer. The SMAS is the layer of the muscles of facial expression in their own connective tissue envelope. It lies beneath the skin and subcutaneous tissue. This connective tissue adheres the skin back to the muscle. It is one of the most important support structures for the face and neck.
The therapist can target the layers of the skin individually using highly focused cartridges. The upper dermis requires a 1.5mm depth where as the lower dermis and the SMAS need a deeper reaching cartridge. The SMAS is the layer that sits between your muscle and your fat layer.
There is no pain and no downtime. It costs far less than surgery and the treatment improves over months after the actual treatment and - after peaking - you age naturally.
How Can You Continue To Develop Collagen With HIFU?
We offer a monthly collagen boost facial with HIFU. This ensures that the skin is renewing collagen throughout the year.
Booked individually it costs £89 each time you have the treatment. We also offer bundles of 6 for £454 for 6 treatments prebooked i.e. £76 instead of £89 each.
You can book them on our website here, or call or email us.