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Everything About That Fat Under Your Chin & Jawline

Fat under your chin dragging you down? Here's how we deal with them.

Clients book in for fat freezing on many different body areas including the tummy, thighs, arms, under arms, hips, saddlebags, waist and calves to start with. It's when they are lying on the couch that we are often asked how we remove the fat under the chin and along the jawline.

Why Does Our Face Start Sagging?

As we age we lose collagen which means we are left with little elastin and sagging skin on the face, neck and body. These proteins keep your skin firm, fuller looking and more elastic. Your body will produce less of these proteins over time, causing your skin to sag, including the skin under your jaw.

As we age facial bone changes and our muscles fall, fat pads move and skin sags. Our fat pads in the upper and mid face waste a bit as well but the fat pads can fill out in the lower face making the bottom of our faces become more full. Sadly, our face looks as if it is sagging. In reality, the skin is sagging more as the fat is lost.

What Is That Fat Pad Under Your Chin?

There are varied theories about the fat under the chin. Some jowls appear due to ageing as the skin sags. Other factors are fat distribution, illness, genetics or being overweight.

Whether we like it or not a double chin is common and caused by adipose tissue (fat) that collects in a pocket below your chin. This is called the submental fat pad. Being overweight (at any age) will be a risk factor to forming a double chin or a wattle (thick fat under the chin). Genetics can determine how fat is distributed. Age related skin changes are also important.

How Can You Remove Under Chin Fat?

We can remove under the chin and jawline fat and sagging skin in three ways at We Love Beauty in Elkstone Studios, Cheltenham.

We use:

  • fat freezing,

  • fat dissolving injections (Aqualyx)

  • HIFU

  • Dermal Filler

Sometimes singly and other times we use a combination of these treatments.

What Does Each Treatment Do?

Fat freezing literally freezes the fat cells in the area. It can take from the day it is done up to 8 weeks to see the final results. The fat cells die and leave the body through the lymphatic system over time.

Fat dissolving injections - also called Aqualyx - are injected into the fatty area under the chin and jawline. The fat cells are dissolved causing the fat cells to die and the the fat cells break down into fatty acids. Then they are eliminated by the liver and immune system. The waste goes through the lymphatic system over 1 - 8 weeks.

HIFU - high intensity focused ultrasound - renews collagen in the SMAS layer tightening the skin and developing elastin in the area over several months.

Dermal Fillers puts back the face volume where fat is lost as we age like along the jawline and cheeks. By increasing volume in flattening cheeks, jowls will lift. Jawlines will look more defined giving the shape you had when younger.

Which Treatments Do We Use Together?

It all depends on the amount of fat in the area, your age, weight and condition of your skin. We will consult with you first and then decide on the treatment that will work best for you.

We use fat freezing on the under chin area if the amount of fat is not too much and depending on the clients expectations. The treatment is painless with no downtime. Treatment time is around an hour.

Fat dissolving treatments can be used on any amount of fat under the jaw and chin. Both fat freezing and fat dissolving can be followed immediately with HIFU to ensure that the skin tightens as the fat reduces. Dissolving fat cells treatment takes around 30 minutes. Most clients say it is painless. There is no downtime.

HIFU would be recommended alone if the skin under the chin and jawline just required tightening. eg: if it is more sagging skin. No pain, no downtime.

Dermal fillers can be combined with the other treatments or alone. It would be recommended if a slight increase of face volume would help more than the fat loss. As we age, facial bone changes as well as the muscles drop and skin sags so sometimes the client will need dermal filler instead of fat loss. A little discomfort that we avoid as much as we can.

So where do you begin?

I love talking to clients about how they feel about their body and face issues and discussing potential treatments. Please text me if you'd like to chat about your chin fat or jawline. I'll always call you back.

Otherwise, you can book a free consultation so you can book one on our website. We all consult with our clients before any treatment even if you've been in for a free consultation already.

We want you to fully understand the treatments and the results that you can expect.

Looking forward to helping you with that chin /jawline.


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