Men and women struggle to get rid of cellulite. It appears, unwanted, on tummies, hips and thighs.
Cellulite makes us self-conscious of strolling around in shorts or a bikini. It holds us back to bare our bodies in intimate moments and feel less confident when it matters.
We help combat cellulite with the help of a combination of treatments like fat freezing (cryolipolosis), cavitation and HIFU or radio frequency.

Fat freezing actually freezes the fat cells in a focussed area, like an inner thigh or tummy, causing around 40% of the fat cells in that area to die over several months. Cavitation destroys fat cells with low frequency sound waves. In both treatments the fat is discharged between the cells where they are turned into protein and then changed to free fatty acids and glycerol. They then decay in the liver and are removed from the body as waste.
We then use high intensity focussed ultrasound (HIFU) to stimulate the deeper layers that support the skin to give it a lifted and tighter, smoothed look. It increases collagen generation so the treatment continues long after the actual session with us.
This approach to anti-ageing is used for a variety of cosmetic treatments.
Book a consultation for more information or book on our website.
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