Talk to us about a body or face treatment you'd like and we'll tell you how to improve the result.

When clients come in to We Love Beauty they are either coming in for a chosen treatment or for a free consultation or review.
Happily, our combined years in beauty and aesthetics have taught us how to mix therapies to be able to give our client the best results. Take fat freezing for instance.
How Do We Combine Fat Freezing For A Better Result

Freezing fat is great to remove an area of stubborn fat like the tummy or saddlebags, but it's not ideal if you want fat removed and the skin on the same area to be tighter. Often the skin becomes more saggy after fat freezing and for some, wrinkly lines appear. We see this more often on an upper tummy fat freeze and on inner thighs.
We recommend HIFU on those areas right after the fat freezing. In this way the fat reduces and the skin is tightening around the same time. It is also cheaper than coming back later for the HIFU if we bundle the two into the same treatment.
Sometimes we need to introduce fat melting injections for smaller body areas like around the knees. The knee is not only small, it's knobbly!
We find fat dissolving injections work best above the knee and at the inner side of the knee. It works roughly in the same time frame as fat freezing does. They are also great for under the chin, upper arms, and armpits.
They can be done in the same treatment time.
How to improve a non surgical face & neck lift with HIFU
We've been offering HIFU non surgical face and neck lifts for a few years now and our experience tells us that some faces need more HIFU 'shots' than others. Also there are some areas on the face and neck that are more difficult to get a perfect result as the HIFU isn't made for it.

Take the skin just under the chin. It's a tiny area and a lot of clients feel they have a fat pad under their chin and ask for it to be fat frozen. We can do it, but HIFU and fat dissolving injections can give a better result without the risks of freezing it. There's little pain and no downtime with the injections.
The eyelids, temples and throat area are a no go with HIFU but with the right micro needling treatment we can treat all three to augment the face and neck lift.
As HIFU doesn't stop facial animation we also recommend a little botox to maintain the effect of the HIFU face and neck lift. We would recommend having this a few weeks after the HIFU facial treatment.
As part of a non invasive neck lift we use HIFU to renew the collagen in the SMAS and tighten the saggy skin on the neck but now we also look at neck 'cords'. As long as those neck cords are tight the HIFU won't complete the neck lift. Now we use botox to relax the cords in the neck first. A few weeks after the botox we can HIFU to tighten the neck skin in that area.
And for those tiny body and face areas?
We do get some odd requests! Imagine a client who hates their creased earlobe?
We have two ways to handle that.
We can use a dermal filler.
We can use micro needling on the lobe so it can 'unfurl'.
We are pleased to be able to offer this bespoke approach to body and face confidence development for our clients.
If you're unsure about what treatments to choose just book a FREE consultation and we'll advise you on what you can combine for a better result!